Mentorship Session for the GSEA Finalists with Our Co-Founder, Vanessa Hendriadi
January 18, 2019

Thursday, January 17th, the 6 Finalists of the Global Student Entrepreneur Awards (GSEA) arrived at GoWork Menara Rajawali to attend a mentorship session by our CEO and co-founder, Vanessa Hendriadi.
Vanessa began the session by listening to the business ideas of the participants, about the impacts their businesses may bring into both the society and environment. She then followed up by sharing her entrepreneurship journey, starting when she was a student, as how the participants are, and discussed about how GoWork is her way to bring an impactful business model into the coworking market.
She also believes in the importance of learning from failures. Vanessa shared the “low moments” of her career, and how she could recoup all her losses, and quickly build her efforts back up, and the fluctuative journey in building GoWork. One of the key factors to her achievements, it seems, is her extensive network and the ability to build relationships with people that could help her grow.
READ MORE: Vanessa Hendriadi Li: CEO and Co-Founder of GoWork Coworking Space
GSEA itself is a global competition for entrepreneurial students currently running their own businesses. The nominees come from all over the world, and will be judged by panels on both national and international levels. Founded in 1998 by Saint Louis University, GSEA is now part of the Entrepreneur Organization’s (EO) program.

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