Some 18th ASIAN Games Facts You Might Enjoy
August 2, 2018
Have you ever thought about how massive of a feat that Indonesia is pulling in hosting the 18th ASIAN Games? It only took us 4 years instead of 6 in preparing up the whole country for the biggest multi-sport event in Asia. And honestly, you can see that the effort is actually taking shape, especially after remembering that it’s only a couple of weeks away from the opening. That fact will amaze you more when I tell you another tidbit about this year’s ASIAN games. This year, Indonesia is going to host 462 sports events, a large number, only second to Guangzhou’s 2010 ASIAN Games, which saw 476 events.
About that—the opening. Like the Olympics, the Games begin with lighting the ASIAN Games torch. The fire that’s going to light up the torch will come from the Major Dhyan Chand stadium in New Delhi, India, and using heat from the sun, no less! (Thank you, Raska Soemantoro for this fact!)
Surely you’ve had it crawling under your skin, the jingle that you can hear in almost every TransJakarta bus shelter. But you’re probably also interested in knowing what’s up with those three animals featured as mascots. Well, here’s a good summary.
Bhin Bhin is a Cenderawasih, a bird of paradise which symbolizes strategy. Atung, a Bawean Deer, represents speed. And finally, Kaka is a Javan Rhino, which is, unfortunately, a critically endangered species, which represents strength. All those three, when put together represents the core of Indonesian values: Bhinneka Tunggal Ika—Unity in Diversity.
We at GoWork share those values, and as such, we celebrate this year’s ASIAN Games, and we’re going to make sure to share our spirit with the rest our our members in our hubs.
Go Indonesia!
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