Private Office And Coworking Space for Rent
July 29, 2021

Now that you have your own business, here’s one slight problem, you’re probably looking for a space for rent and to run your business immediately. Yes, having your startup running and partners helping you out is essential. But, having a place to work on a daily basis to avoid any miscommunication between your coworkers and employee are crucial. Here are several option to start your business plan, as well as private offices spaces and coworking space that are ideal for your company.
A Coworking Space for Rent
Coworking space for rent are the best option to start. Your startup business needs a lot of flexibility option that comes with coworking spaces. You can choose a flexible desk to accommodate remote work for your team. Another option, you can ask the coworking space provider for dedicated desk for your team with affordable price.
Go Check Out the Coworking Space Pricing page to start your plan with us.
A New Private Office Space for Rent
If you’re looking for a spacious private office space for rent in a centralized location like Sudirman Street in Central Jakarta, then GoWork’s newest location would be the best choice for you! Have you always wanted to work inside a tall building? Located at the 38th – 40th floor GoWork MCC (Millennium Centennial Center), would give you the privilege of having your dream executive suites. Another perks is that it is incredibly accessible with TransJakarta and MRT within walking distance. Worry about the place being too high of a price? You could always try out the place for a day. You don’t have to rent per hour and try out the space for a day, and see if it is the ideal office space for you.
Office Space for Lease Inside a Mall? Possible!
GoWork is the first coworking space in Jakarta, possibly Indonesia, that has a coworking space inside a mall. If you’re tired of working inside an office building or a small office space, then having an office inside a mall would be a nice change of scenery. Being the first to provide a private office inside a mall, GoWork gives you several locations around Jakarta and even Bali that is located in a mall. Those are at Senayan City, Plaza Indonesia, Pacific Place, fX Sudirman Mall, and Park23 Mall in Bali. You don’t necessarily have to rent a huge office space, simply rent a compact office space that fits your team. Another plus is, you get the whole mall for you and your team, no need to go out of the office building just to find something to eat.
Literally a Serviced Office
Imagine a serviced office with a massage chair and a great view of the city in front of you. It’s not impossible as our office space for rent in Pondok Indah, Menara Rajawali, and Senayan City provides you with the service. You don’t get your own massage chair in your private office, but in a shared coworking area. It’s one of the amenities when you rent an office space at GoWork. Other amenities you will get would be; a business class printer, state-of-the-art meeting rooms, exclusive events, workshops, business supports for your virtual office, free hand-brewed beverages, spacious lounge area, 24/7 access (yes, we are open 24/7, only if you don’t mind working in the middle of the night).
So, what do you think about those private office spaces for rent? Interested to find out more? Simply fill in the form below, and our team members will contact you shortly!

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