The CoWorking Trend: GoWork at CNBC Indonesia
May 15, 2019
This Tuesday (5/14), GoWork made an appearance in CNBC Indonesia in one of their programs, Profit. Throughout the segment, Aline Wiratmaja discussed with our CEO about the business strategies used by GoWork to maintain our edge and position in the highly competitive Indonesian coworking Market.
“Instead of B2B, GoWork operates in a way that’s more B2SB–Business to Small Businesses,” our CEO said. “Our member profile is highly varied. We may start with small startups and individual digital nomads, but now we also have big corporations leasing offices for their team, easily consisting of at least 80-100 people.”
She also further elaborated on GoWork’s future plans, including our expansion to second layer cities, like Surabaya and Medan, and how GoWork maintain its positioning in the market. Supported by more US$ 1 million of funding, GoWork is now seeking to place itself as the premier coworking and office space provider in Jakarta.
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