Past Events

Social Media Content that Engages Audience
28 Aug 2021
13:00 - 15:00
Media sosial bukan hanya sekedar mempublikasikan konten. Untuk menjadikan bisnis kamu menjadi lebih terpercaya dalam industri, kamu harus bisa membangun percakapan dua arah dengan pelanggan. Semakin sering menggunakan media sosial untuk berhubungan dengan pelanggan, maka semakin besar pula kemungkinan audiens kamu akan merasa aman yang kemudian akan membuat mereka selangkah lebih dekat untuk membeli produk/jasa dari bisnismu.
Salah satu cara untuk membangun percakapan yang baik dengan audiens, kamu juga harus memahami perilaku dari mereka sehingga konten yang kamu buat sesuai dengan minta mereka. Selain itu, kamu juga harus memahami karakter tiap pengguna social media.
Melalui kelas ini, kita akan mempelajari materi tentang bagaimana menentukan tujuan dari content marketing yang akan kita buat, cara melakukan content ideation, cara membuat konten yang meningkatkan engagement serta cara mengembangan konten yang berfokus pada perilaku calon audience.
- Menentukan tujuan Content Marketing
- Cara melakukan Content Ideation
- Cara membuat engaging content for sosial media
- Cara menggunakan Behavior Based Approach untuk kontent sosial media
Fernanda Gunsan - Sr. Social Media Specialist at Tokopedia
Fernanda Gunsan the right hand of social media content creation for Tokopedia in a mission to democratize commerce through technology. He differ himself from social media enthusiast by exploring international quality of competitiveness that was acknowledged by the social media platform itself resulting the revolutionary e-commerce social media growth from 10k to 1 million more followers.
- Entrepreneur
- Employee
- Fresh Graduate
- Content Creator
- Digital Marketer
- Full practical insights and knowledge from the Expert
- Live Q&A session
- Speaker's presentation material
- Device (Handphone, Laptop) & Stationery
- Make sure you have a good internet connection.
- Get your notes/laptop ready.
- The event will be conducted in Bahasa.
- The event will be held via Zoom. So, please be advised to download Zoom and sign up/sign in through your Zoom account before the event start.
- The invitation Zoom link can be accessed through the e-voucher. After your booking is successful, you will receive a confirmation email from Lingkaran representative (at the day event), and you will need to do a quick re-registration to receive information about the webinar’s URL streaming.
- Please kindly check your Spam Box if you could not find the email regarding the Zoom link in your inbox.
- Participants are advised to register to the Zoom link, 2 hours maximum before the event start.
- Be sure you enter your full name and personal email correctly and valid. If there is a difference in name and email information between e-ticket and registration upon entering the webinar, the participant is not entitled to gain access into the webinar link.
- E-ticket and webinar link are valid for 1 (one) participant and 1 (one) time use only according to the date & time of the online event. GoWork has the rights to take necessary action if there are harmful allegations or fraudulent acts during/after the session.
- Please feel free to reach out to us at if you need any concerns or further assistance.
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