Team Positivity for Team Productivity
December 12, 2018

Result-driven companies are often found to be favoring the no-holds-barred, intense system of work that often drive employee stress level through the ceiling. The stress is simply harming both the productivity and the employees, and the researchers are inclined to agree to this.
Proof of these are everywhere, for example, this research shows that high-pressure companies spend 50% more on health care expenditures due to physical feedback of mental stress put into their employees. The American Psychological Assosciation estimated that more than $500 billion of the U.S. government’s reserves so far, due to combined factors that come from workplace stress.
However, there is a number of companies which have realized this and adopted a more humane approach to their human resources in the office. A Gallup Poll shows that employees much prefer workplace wellbeing than material benefits. This proves that we don’t need to look far for the solution to decreasing employee stress level. Workplace wellbeing, after all, come from a positive cuture in the office.
A Dash of Something Nice

Photo by Zachary Nelson on Unsplash
There are six key characteristics which you will need to look out for in fostering a positive culture in your office, according to this HBR article.
Caring for your colleagues as friends,
Providing support for one another,
Avoiding blames,
Inspiring one another,
Emphasizing the meaningfulness of the work, and
Treating one another with respect, trust, gratitude, and integrity.
These qualities can easily stem from the interactions between employees, and can easily ripple in between your team members, when encouraged. And your role, as the leader of this team, is more substantial.
Creating a Healthy Workspace
As the leader of a team, it is important for you to foster social connections. Researchers have found that positive social connections between your team can lower depression rate and have your team learn faster and remember longer. Similarly, empathy also causes recorded positive results in employee performance.
Actually talking to your team also helps. Make sure that every conversation you have with your team is meaningful. Spare some time to talk about life outside work, to make sure that your team feel that you’re part of their lives as much as you are part of their team.
Communal Workspaces

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash
In sum, workspaces that exhibit the qualities of a positive workspace is arguably more successful over time than those that didn’t. It increases interpersonal relations between workers, which buffs their sense of belonging.
Positive workspaces can also build employee loyalty. It amplifies the sense that individual employees are indeed part of the team.
We at GoWork cherish this kind of positivity in our workspace. Our community is vibrant, and we also often hold various events which help teams gather and learn together. Why don’t check some of them here?

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