The following are good reasons for why women should invest in a coworking space
October 14, 2017

The following are good reasons for why women should invest in a coworking space:
1. There won’t be a reason to practice important pitches to your cat and dog. The average woman owned business is a sole proprietorship, which means that you are probably working in an isolated environment. As a result, around 30 percent of this population ends up depressed because the first year in business can be very lonely and challenging. Thus, never downplay the needs of yourself or your staff during this difficult time.
Walk into your coworking space and understand the importance of human interaction. Realize that you are included in something much greater. This type of space allows you to socialize without being chained to a cubicle.
2. Learn from your neighbors. For instance, you may be in one industry, but the guy down the hall may be in another one. Remember, insight into another industry may help you to strategize and improve your current plans.
It doesn’t matter if the relationship is formal or casual. Mentorship is one of the main benefits of working in a shared space. Mentored entrepreneurs are more than likely to succeed than those who are not mentored. If you’ve bonded and feel relaxed around a new mentor, then you won’t feel as stressed to share a new pitch with that person. Just imagine it. You could walk across the hall to get advice, or walk down the hall to get tips from another successful business owner as well.
3. A coworking space offers huge growth potential for new entrepreneurs. Companies such as Salesloft, Yik Yak and Uber did it, and so can you. Analyze how these companies grew. Did they have other support? How long did it take them to grow? Once they succeeded, did they form relationships with other younger start ups? The same growth potential can apply to you too.
A shared built-in office structure is meant to facilitate growth. It makes it easier for start up companies to join important discussions and work hours at their convenience. Women entrepreneurs are one of the fastest growing segments of the economy. They should take advantage of such working environments.
4. Basically, you will need a physical location for work. Some might think that working from home is the greatest scenario because you have control over both your personal and professional life. However, within a coworking environment, you still have the same amount of control, but you also have a built-in office structure with perks. Imagine having a copier that someone else has to fix.
If too many people know you at the local coffee shop, or if your sofa sectional limits productivity, then maybe it’s time to start looking into a different type of office design. As a budding entrepreneur, you can talk to other women that can mentor and help you. Capitalize on this great growth opportunity and succeed.

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