Commute Panjang: Musuh Tersembunyi Produktivitas & Kebahagiaan Karyawan?
March 19, 2024
Di era modern ini, mobilitas menjadi kunci utama dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Bagi banyak orang, per...

Panduan Menjaga Kerjasama Dan Produktivitas Teamwork
July 7, 2022
Kondisi sekarang sudah hampir ideal untuk bertatap muka secara langsung, karena bagaimanapun, intera...

Is Remote Work Really the Future?
April 28, 2021
Remote work is here to stay, in one form or the other. The common assumption is that extended remote...

Decentralize Your Office Effectively: This is How
April 8, 2021
What is the future for the office space that has been radically affected by extended periods of te...

How to De-densify Your Office Space Effectively
March 25, 2021
Before 2021, the shared workspace scene measures workplace footprint efficiency by how many employee...

Mengenal Telecommuting, dan Bagaimana Membangun Tim Hybrid Yang Efektif
March 16, 2021
Telecommuting , atau kerja jarak jauh, kini menjadi solusi yang telah diandalkan oleh banyak perusa...