Private Working Space: When Does It Become Necessary?
October 12, 2021

We’re all wondering about the future of the workspace. With almost two years of trial period for WFH, everyone’s thinking about either going all-in or going back to the office.
Now that we’re done with the one-and-a-half-year trial period of WFH, companies, even one as big as Amazon are coming back to the office. In fact, around 54% of companies surveyed by a Korn Ferry are changing up their return-to-office policy as situations develop throughout the semester.
The dominating discourse on post-COVID WFO workspace systems is the hybrid office, which is an elegant solution that addresses both safety and efficiency requirements for office footprint and density. However, auxiliary to the hybrid workspace is employees that work remotely.
Between the two options present—WFH and shared workspaces—GoWork provides an accessible solution for the latter, with our Private Hot Desk.
But one question remains: when would a private workspace become a preferable option over shared workspaces? Here are some factors why a private workspace is exactly what your remote team needs.
As the name suggests: privacy
While working remotely, your team members are still prone to accessing, discussing, or perusing sensitive material. When soundproof phone booths simply don’t suffice or fit, then private workspaces are the answer.
A private workspace, in this context, does not have to necessarily mean a grey four-walled space. It can consist of glass walls with privacy filters or sun-glass, or maybe even a large window for natural light to come in.
Distraction-free workspaces
Limiting workspace visibility goes both ways. People from the outside can’t see what’s inside, and the ones inside can’t see what goes outside. While this sounds like a glum outlook for a workspace, the reality is that private workspaces are far from being similar to isolation cells.
GoWork private workspaces, for example, are contained work environment that integrates natural light, ergonomic workstations, and the perfect ambiance with the quiet environment. As a matter of fact, a well-designed private workspace, according to 95% of employees surveyed by IPSOS, is important for their daily productivity. Collaboration might be a strong part of work, but sometimes, a focused, solo session is needed—probably even a day-long one.
Mental health and happiness
This may sound like a reach, but private workspaces promote a different source of mental health benefits when compared to shared/open workspaces.
When provided with the option to be able to work in a private space, employees report the provided ability to be “alone” with their work reduces absenteeism and stress, according to a 2017 finding. The sense of control promoted when an employee is able to get on a physical headspace of a private workspace contributes greatly to their feeling of ownership over their responsibilities.
Furthermore, when employees are sharing an enclosed workspace with their colleagues, they are 50% more likely to form lasting relationships and a sense of camaraderie, which, in turn, improves their quality of life at the workplace.
Although a shared workspace and a private one each maintain their own benefits, private workspaces clearly lean towards a more focused mindset in their approach to the work system. While open workspaces promote collaboration and dynamism, the private workspace provides employees with a sense of control, security, and personal innovation.
While you’re here, you can also check out GoWork’s Private Hot Desk: the perfect private workspace solution for solo workers or small teams. All you have to do is fill in the form below, and our team will direct you to the closest GoWork workspace your team can get some work done in.

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