Who Works in Coworking Spaces?
July 22, 2019

Who works in coworking spaces? If you think the only people working in a coworking space are startup owners or people with tech-related jobs, or even only millennial and gen z people, then you probably got that wrong. What makes a coworking space fun is the fact that you’d get to meet a lot of different people from different backgrounds, therefore the possibility is endless. There are a lot of people working in a coworking space ranging from various age and jobs. Here is the list of people you can find in a coworking space!
Freelancers, Freelancers Everywhere
You’ll probably see this one more often than most people you’ll see in a coworking space, the reason why you’ll see those people most is that they are simply nomadic, they keep moving from place to place to find for the suitable place to work. Other places you’ll find them is either at a coffee shop, restaurants, but mostly in a coworking space. Well, that is the joy of being a freelancer, you’d get to work anywhere and anytime. What makes it even fun for a freelancer to work in a coworking space is the possibility for them to get a real full-time job as there are a lot of startups in a shared workspace looking for dynamic young individuals to work for them.
Investors and Venture Capitalists
What makes a coworking space great is the fact that you’d get lots of chance to get to know other people, this includes potential investors and venture capitalists to fund your business. But why would they be in a coworking space? Well, the answer is fairly simple actually, there are tons of startups looking for a room to grow inside a coworking space, and this is what makes a coworking space the perfect hunting spot for investors to hunt. Truly, investors and venture capitalists are what makes a coworking space great, easy money for both them and the startup owners.
Students, Yes… Students!
No, you didn’t read that one wrong, there are actually a lot of occasions where you can find students in a coworking space, but why would they go there in the first place? We didn’t really mean students as in high school students, what we really meant is students as in college students. College students often get their assignments done inside a coworking space. Yes, we are talking about you, thesis and final assignments for college students. But again, why would they go to a coworking space, it’s simply the same reason why we don’t usually work at home, too many distractions right? Moreover, if you go to a coffee shop, you can’t simply refill your coffee, you have to buy them again and again. Well, this doesn’t happen in a coworking space as you’d get free flow of coffee and even snacks to accompany you while you work.
So what do you guys think? Are we missing something or someone on the list? Or are you interested to find out more who are actually inside a coworking space? Well, to know more, you could simply visit one of our coworking spaces in Indonesia, click below to find out more. A Tour Around Our Locations? Possible! You can also fill in the form below to have our team member contact you to discuss your future office!

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