How to Choose the Wrong Workspaces in Jakarta
May 10, 2019

When talking about finding the right place for you to work in, there are a lot of articles out there that can definitely help you. There are plenty of methods you can follow if you aim to find a good place to work in. A place to thrive. But what if you’re looking to choose the wrong workspaces in Jakarta for you?
Well, I’m here to help you with that. Hope you manage to get something out of this instead of following each of the steps to heart.
The Wrong Kind of Workspaces in Jakarta
Choose your workspace because you think that it will work for you, and because you feel like it is as good as office spaces get. Don’t need to look at other workspaces when you’re already snug and is enjoying the best of work. Maybe there are other workspace providers that fits your niche better, but why bother?
Choose your workspace because you’re already well on your way into funding. Why waste your stakeholder’s money on trying out workspaces when you can roll out prototypes instead? Time is ticking. Useful community events are definitely not worth delaying the launch for another month.
And most importantly: choose your workspace because everyone else in your network has found their perfect workspaces. Imagine their faces when you telling them that you work from cafes instead of hip coworking spaces in Jakarta Selatan like them. Bleh. It’s like, “why even bother going to Ideafest in the first place?” Gotta conform to the masses immediately.
Ignore the fact that everyone’s work style is supposed to be different. Forget the idea that workspace comfort comes from a combination of productivity and inspiration. Forget your work goals and instead go for the #WorkspaceGoals.
Choose your workspace because you need a place to work now, fast, and what you have is the most affordable option available.
The Good Takeaway
The points I laid out above are not entirely incorrect. There are so many factors that can go into picking a place to work for you or your team. There are aspects of quality of work that can be directly affected by a workspace, and the choices made above are not exclusively consequential with low workspace comfort.
However, there is good in taking your time to pick the correct workspace for you. As said above, there are a ton of different factors that can go into play when picking a workspace, and each of them will play into the long term mental investment of yourself or your team.
Read More: How I Made My Coworking Space Work for Me
The easiest way to find the perfect workspaces in Jakarta for you is, of course, serviced workspace such as coworking spaces. Since it is now 2019, there is no shortage of coworking space in Jakarta. All you have to consider is the location and if the provider’s portfolio and culture is to your liking. Some of the coworking spaces provider may have outfitted their space and cater more towards tech companies. Some other will encourage collaborations between members, and the others welcome pre-seed startups and such.
In the end, to pick the right workspace for you, all you have to do is to carefully consider your options, not rushing into any choices, and finally, not decide your workspace since your friends all do, too.

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