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Past Events

Growth Hacking: Boost Up Your Business!

Growth Hacking: Boost Up Your Business!

24 Sep 2021

19:00 - 21:00


Growth hacking merupakan salah satu jenis strategi marketing yang berfokus pada pertumbuhan bisnis. Pada prinsipnya strategi ini harus menunjukkan hasil yang cepat dengan effort/operational cost seminimal mungkin. Growth hacking dimaksudkan sebagai shortcut yang bisa membantu bisnis memperoleh hasil yang signifikan.

  • Growth hacking
  • What's inside growth hacking funnel
  • Acquisition technique Growth Hacking for business

Dzulfiqar Abduljabbar - Growth Lead Gojek

  • Full practical insights and knowledge from the Expert
  • Live Q&A session
  • Speaker's presentation material
  • Device (Handphone, Laptop) & Stationery
  • Make sure you have a good internet connection.
  • Get your notes/laptop ready.
  • The event will be conducted in Bahasa.
  • The event will be held via Zoom. So, please be advised to download Zoom and sign up/sign in through your Zoom account before the event start.
  • The invitation Zoom link can be accessed through the e-voucher. After your booking is successful, you will receive a confirmation email from Lingkaran representative (at the day event), and you will need to do a quick re-registration to receive information about the webinar’s URL streaming.
  • Please kindly check your Spam Box if you could not find the email regarding the Zoom link in your inbox.
  • Participants are advised to register to the Zoom link, 2 hours maximum before the event start.
  • Be sure you enter your full name and personal email correctly and valid. If there is a difference in name and email information between e-ticket and registration upon entering the webinar, the participant is not entitled to gain access into the webinar link.
  • E-ticket and webinar link are valid for 1 (one) participant and 1 (one) time use only according to the date & time of the online event. GoWork has the rights to take necessary action if there are harmful allegations or fraudulent acts during/after the session.
  • Please feel free to reach out to us at dian.octaviani@go-work.com if you need any concerns or further assistance.


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